Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Voices Project : Nłeʔkepmxcin Community Portal (*Aboriginal Serif*)

Nexʷuḿ Y̓e!  This site on First Voices for the Nłeʔkepmxcin Community Portal is so awesome!... mind you, I agree with some of my resource people, and I know it is riddled with many errors, as it is an enormous task for an extremely complex language. I can only say this of my own language of Nłeʔkepmxcin, of course (as I witness spoken words that are not written, spelling errors, even quoting the wrong person as speaker). Anyway, it still is an amazing feat for all of the languages hosted on First Voices!
I have linked you to the specific page for Nłeʔkepmxcin above: However, you can chose from a wide array of languages.  The site is fairly new, always under construction? idk quite what has been happening lately on this initiative for Nleʔkepmxcin- anyway work in progress-kind of how many people have an idea of lifelong learning.  Likewise, how I admit it will take a lifelong to learn Nłeʔkepmxcin.  You have to really love learning, and the experience of language.
I think what I like most of this site is the ability to hear speech, and to see it written in a text format that is consistent with our "Thompson River Salish Dictionary."  One can play games, and read story books, sing along, search vocabulary, translate from English to Nłeʔkepmx, or Nłeʔkepmx to English. Here is the link for the FONT DOWNLOAD, you need to chose from Mac/PC links on the bottom of the page.
 I almost forgot to mention a few of my family member speakers are on there, as well as myself, we do stories, songs, and vocabulary. Close one! :P Thank you Tmixʷ Research, and FPHLCC.
I thought I should post a link to the font I use, if anyone has intell on a font for Blackberry that  works w/ Nłeʔkepmxcin please do let me know. :)

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